Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Happy St. Valenpatriceasternovmboweenmas Day!


     Oh, I love me a horror anthology! We've got 8 short stories covering all the major holidays and 2 meh days. It's hard to sum up,  but here's everything in a nutshell: Literal Valentines Day heart, snake birth, Jesus bunny swapping, arm birth, dildo torture, virtual real murder, and red hot psycho on psycho action!

I wasn't kidding about that 'hand birth'
    It always frustrates me to try and review or regurgitate anthologies. There's several stories to cover and I tend to be sparse with the details because it's unnecessary.  The best part about them is that even if they're bad, they don't last long before moving on to the next story (I learned that from Snoop Dog's Hood of Horror). But rest assured this one is worth watching. Most of the cast is on the low end of famous, but Seth Green (Christmas) makes an appearance as well as Kevin Smith directing (Halloween). Everyone does a spot on job and makes this fun to watch.

Thursday: Maybe the second dumbest movie for this year....

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