Sunday, October 9, 2016

It came from 1977...

Tool Box Murders

There's a lot more full frontal than I was expecting.

     Bare with me. This shouldn't be so complicated of a story, but I'm going to make it that way.

    We start with a car accident, and a young woman dies. The very next scene is of a man killing  two young women for no obvious reason. Just hacks and slashes with a hammer, drags the bodies around and leaves them.  Next up is killing a woman in the tub because apparently, he's not into self-love like she is.  Did he ever stop to think that that might a contributing factor to his disposition? And on top of that, he kidnaps the upstairs neighbors daughter.

     After the murders, The nephew of the apartment complex owner and the brother of the  kidnapping victim go all Hardy Boys and start "investigating" the murders. By the middle of the movie, we know the murder is the apartment complex owner. Apparently, that car accident from the beginning of the movie caused him a bit of stress and he snapped. The brother starts putting 2 and 2 together, and figures this out as well when he finds the tool box full of murder weapons. The nephew shows up and explains to him that he needs to protect his family and throws gas on the brother and lights him on fire. Like a total jerk.

     But the next scene pisses me off. While the brother is burning in the garage, the neph walks in on his uncle and the kidnap victim and starts to go nutters because of the way the uncle is treating her (like his child that died in the car accident) and acts all appalled at this. Pretty short memory for someone who JUST killed an innocent young man by burning him to death not 20 feet away in the garage. Kind of pious and hypocritical if  you ask me.

     What a ham-fisted attempt to make a horror movie out of a 'based on a true story' script. The acting was just terrible at first, then got slightly better. Or I could have sunk to their level and was just desensitized by the end. All of the kill scenes were choppy, forced, and nobody seemed to be in a hurry, especially the murderer. Good riddance to this turd.

Monday: ALIENS!!!, not the really good James Cameron movie...

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