Friday, October 14, 2016

Ok, this REALLY isn't horror...

Mulligan #2

The Evil Brain From Outer Space
Those are some sweet, sweet jumpers, brah!

     By the title, it seems like a drive-in horror film, right? Nah...this is a condensed and translated film from Nippon that features Star Man (or Super Giant), the first Japanese TV hero. Yay.

     Some brain from a really evil prick is in stuck in a suit case, but somehow, it can trigger nuclear war. It's up to Star Man to stop it dunno, brief-casing the world to death? Hell if I know, I wasn't into it at all. It felt more like a cloak and dagger film than a super hero film, but that's the problem. It's NOT a horror film and though I love these classic public domain serials, this was boring as hell. I'm just not into super heroes in leotards and capes tonight.

Thankfully, the pain stops at around 78 minutes.Moving on....

Saturday: BOOB TUBE!!!

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