Saturday, October 29, 2016

So how many times have I stated "Oh, the crap I watch..."?

Rabid Grannies
The movie poster was WAY more fun than sitting through the movie

     A couple of old ladies invite their ungrateful bastard nieces and nephews for a birthday celebration. In true aristocratic form, family members could really care less as they are simply waiting for the old broads to die and collect the inheritance. One of the gifts the party girls receive is some sort of haunted box filled with smoke. The old gals take a hit off the box-bong and start mutating and eating the family.

     The good news is, damn near every member of the family had it coming. The bad news is...well, everything else about this movie.  Horrible over-acting, questionable F/X, boooooring story, and somehow they managed to stretch this turd out for 90 minutes.

     Made with a paltry budget of $150K (in 1988 monies),  this Belgian piece of crap was dubbed in English for a British audience, and somehow Troma got their hands on it. Not even that could help this steaming pile.


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