Wednesday, October 26, 2016

God and Science never mix...

Prince Of Darkness

     A priest dies, and lots of egg-heads are called together to figure out what this tall cylinder of swirly green-something sitting in the bottom of a Catholic church in LA is. Using science, we start to lean that there is a Satan of sorts, and he starts pulling strings to get homeless people to kill, worms to crawl windows, and priest to denounce  their superiors. While said egg-heads are prattling around, talking smart stuff and using big words, one of the smarty-pants is sprayed in the mouth by what looks like Scope. Naturally, we learn that it's actually Satan juice and it causes all recipients to fall under the spell of 'Ol Scratch himself. Herself? I try to keep an open mind.

    With everyone spitting green Satan Juice in each others face, pretty soon we're left with only a handful of survivors fighting for a way out. Near the end we also see that mirrors play a larger part that's really not explained, but made for a great visual. It also had a part in the climax that didn't really make a whole lot of sense. There's a couple of other plot holes that probably had explanations but were cut from the script or edited out. I have a feeling that if Carpenter made this movie today, we'd have all explanations in a damn near 2 hour event.

     THIS is how horror movies should be made. Or rather, this is a classic example of a supreme '80s John Carpenter horror flick. I never got bored, the story was good enough, and Carpenter knows cinematography and how to direct. My advice to you is pick a Friday night, order a pizza, sit your ass on the couch, and watch. Is it perfect? No...but YES. I had to go to crappiest, most questionable websites on the net to get this movie watched. I've tried 3 times to get this in the line up, but each time Netflix, Hulu, and even Youtube deny me at the last minute. "Why not just buy it?!?" Because after being screwed over that many times by premium streaming services RIGHT BEFORE HALLOWEEN...I'd had enough. I'm poaching it, and while not proud, I am without guilt.

Check the cast:

Victor Wong!

Donald Pleasence!

But most importantly....

Alice Cooper!!! And he kills a man!!!!



  1. So I'm not the only one...

    On top of the fact that The Gigster's passing has me really just not caring about doing horror stuff (devil that he was), I swear every movie that's been in my Netflix STREAMING cue ALL YEAR LONG is now mysteriously gone. I'm having to hunt for movies to watch at the last minute. At this point, fuck it.

  2. We love the madness our critters pester us with. No worries, hon. They make plenty of crappy horror movies to fill up next year.
