Thursday, October 22, 2015



Really, I don't even know where to start with this, but here goes:

     A young man in Japan throws the fastest baseball in the world. So fast, he accidentally kills his dad. Bummer. So with all that rage and guilt, he goes on a rampage indiscriminately killing people with a baseball till he's caught. From there, he goes to prison, has one of the cutest cavity searches ever. The prison guard goes elbow deep on all the prisoners, and manages to find wrenches, baby dolls, and various flotsam and jetsam within all the prisoners. She really enjoys her work and there's a lot of man-tears shed. Did I mention this was a Japanese film? Well it is, and that means everything is fucked up and over the top. Here's proof:
This is pretty much the entire film

     And that's where we get to the heart of the story: the bad-ass baseballer is being recruited to play baseball, a very deadly game of baseball where people die in the most violent manners. So it's play ball or die. Or make the other team die. Either way, it's more crazy violence, a little cheese cake, and for some reason, a Nazi sub-story. Yeah, Nazi's are behind the whole thing.

     This is billed as a splatter comedy, and it lives up to that description. I saw several things that made me laugh. Need a cigarette? Just reach off-camera to the right. There's one there every time! Our main protagonist is dressed like a cowboy, sans the 10 gallon hat. There's also a guy with a baseball permanently lodged in his skull. He's not so bright.  

I liked this film, so unless you have hemophobia, watch it. It's good insane fun from Japan.

Thursday: I was thinking there needed to be a dedicated time for screaming, but I'm having trouble finding the words to describe it or name it.....

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