Monday, February 2, 2015

The love child of Iced Earth and Slayer

Knights of Badassdome

     Well, it's not REALLY a fantasy movie, but it deals with spells, wizards, demons, and heavy metal music. And a bong. There's also a midget (or little person--whatever the hell they want to be called) that tries to steal the movie, and nearly does.

     What we have here is a collection of uber-geeks at a LARP convention/camp-out. Ryan Kwanten, the poor mans Heath Ledger, is drug to said group outing after a bad breakup with his girlfriend. While dinking around in the woods, they do a seance and unknowingly release a demon that just happens to look like his ex AND is hunting him down (OK, maybe there's just a smidge of fantasy). After some brutal killings, the demon is transformed into a much dorkier version and just flipping annihilates the entire LARPer camp in the most brutal ways imaginable. And how did they defeat the Worlds Lamest Demon that Looks Like A Krite on 'Roids? A fucking rock video. A cheesy 'metal' song & dance number that just reeks of bad movie cheese. It was a wince worthy affair that stained a rather decent movie to watch.

This is a great geek movie, but one complaint is the main characters are too photogenic to be believable as uber-nerds. I only saw a handful of neck-beards and most of the women were just cast because they looked aesthetically pleasing in the medieval clothing. Typical, really.

1 comment:

  1. This was in my queue for this year's horrorfest. Sounds like a yawn.
