Monday, October 10, 2011

From the Made For TV files...

Stonehenge Apocalypse

     I'm not really sure if it is truly a horror movie, but it wasn't a chick flick, and it really wasn't an action film, either. In hind-sight, it was a sci-fi made for TV film, but I was 15 minutes in before I realized it, so I stuck with it anyway. Besides, it wasn't half bad.
     So, just like the title, this has eveything to do with Stonehenge. Long story short, it appears to be a machine of some sort. Someone activates it and naturally some unscientific crackpot is the only one to save the day. For a crappy TV movie, this wasn't too bad. It had lots of the cheap f/x you come to expect, but not near as cheesy as Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Though I will admit, I get the impression that this was ripped off of an internet fan-fic page.

Ok, so I missed the mark tonight, but I'll find something better for tomorrow.

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