Monday, October 23, 2023

The movie that ruined Shark Week Hump Day...

 Sharks of the Corn

        Yeah, the title just doesn't work for me. And who the fuck is Steven Kang? It takes big brass balls to put your name on this cinematic abomination. 

        Dumb plastic shark, ass-loads of stock footage that's better than the actual filmed parts. Half an hour into this and you'll be begging for the stock footage. It's the only thing that makes sense in this trainwreck. The movie is all over the place and I can't keep up! Theres sharks 'swimming' in the corn, eating people, Bigfoot shows up for no reason, I think there's a shark themed serial killer that's possessed by a shark? There's some side story money, thugs, and a briefcase, Stonehenge....ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!....and it goes on for an hour and 45 minutes! Why so damn long? I nearly fell asleep twice sitting through this crapfest. Who needs melatonin when you have this giant sleeping pill? And the climax, if you want to call it that, was a wet greasy fart. This movie is Quaalude-incarnate! You pricks are giving shark week a bad name!!!

Thursday: Shocking!!!!...

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