Monday, October 19, 2020

Ohio Johnson and the Kinda Spooky Lake of Doooom...

Raiders of The Lost Shark

"Misleading movie poster" is an understatement.

     Let me first begin by immediately dismissing the title as it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this 'story'. This is a story about a lab shark that got loose and kills Canadians hanging out by a lake. At some point the shark learns to fly and....kills more people from a slightly higher elevation. People said words, did some things, died....

You're going to die.

You die too. Nobody liked you.

You die as well. I was happy when you died.

     THIS! This is what happens when you raid the local community theater for 'actors' and try to put a movie together with inheritance money you got when granny died. THIS is why owning an iPhone does NOT make you a cameraman. THIS is why I question the sanity of Canadas population in its entirety. THIS is why I read books to keep the mind-rot away. If I didn't do that and just watched trash like this all the time, my brain would be a useless pile of gelatinous mush slowly oozing out of my ears.

Tuesday: Shark Week continues!!!.... with another piece of crap....

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