Monday, October 28, 2019

One more bite of this turd sammich

Return to Blood Fart Lake

     If the first Blood Fart Lake movie was filmed on a Tuesday, then this was done on Thursday. Somehow a couple of idiots survived the last killing spree and end up on the way back to that stupid lake. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, the murderer from the first film, Jimmy, is back and doing what he does best.

     Jimmy manages to easily kill most everyone and then marries his sister in order to create a new master race of inbred or something. Seriously, I think they forgot to write the end of this film because it was very anti-climatic and empty.

Whatever...just make them all dead.

     Again, the vulgar dialog is the only interesting thing about this movie. But I hope you like spooge jokes because there's a ton of them. The 'acting' is mostly overdone (on purpose, I'm sure.) and it looks like it was filmed on one of the cast's parents farm. The best news I can give you is it's only 85 minutes long...but if you watch it, you'll never get that time back.

Monday: An old friend stops by.....

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