Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Still no clue why he hates his family soooo much...

Halloween 2

No smart-ass caption. This is a cool movie poster

     Didn't it occur to anybody to aim for his head? The mask isn't bullet proof, fool!

     We pick up right at the point the first movie ended, with Michael Meyers escaping Dr. Loomis and the Po-po despite being shot 6 times. Wounded, Laurie's hauled off to the hospital, while Dr. Loomis, the police chief, and the rest of the cops are starting to figure out that Mr. Myers isn't dead yet. Naturally, in accordance with normal horror movie laws, Michael follows her to the hospital and goes on a stabby rampage. It seems like stalking victims in hospitals is a pretty common horror film trope, as I'm starting to realize.

     Anyhoo, a 40 minute grind through the hospital with some interesting kills:

Death by scalpel to the eye,

Death by drowning/melting of face

Death by bloodletting

Death by needle with injection to the temple

Death by more scalpel stabbing (first time I've ever seen someone get stabbed so hard, it knocks their shoes off)

Death by...holy shit, is that Dana Carvey?

     The climax is rather explosive, and I'd like to note that once Laurie got a gun in her hand, she had the sense to SHOOT THAT SHATNER FREAK IN THE FACE. Finally, somebody gets it!!!

That's right, Laurie. Pop a cap in his ass.

      And with that, her long night is over. However, I'm pretty sure SHE'LL be the one in the asylum after enduring this.

Wednesday: What could possibly be more 80's than a horror film in a shopping mall?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think they ever explain the deal the Myers wanting to kill all his siblings in any of the original movies. Or why he's so hard to dispose of.
