Friday, October 6, 2017 I can't watch The Howling series....

An American Werewolf In London

     When I told people that I hadn't seen this movie yet, there was disbelief. It's a horror classic and it's always been on my mental list of movies to see, and I'm just now seeing it for the first time.

     Two annoying 'Mericuns are backpacking their way across England when they visit a pub featuring a unique pentagram carved on the wall and lit by candles. After a very short stay, they're given a cold shoulder when they ask about the strange and obvious conversation piece. They head back out on the road and twice ignore warnings to 'stay on the roads, stay away from the moors'. Well, this IS a horror movie, so we ignore that warning and wander out into the English countryside to be brutally murdered by a werewolf. These things happen. Anyhoo, one dumb 'Murican survives and is sent to the hospital to recuperate and bang an English nurse. Sweet gig, bro.

     Sadly, all is not well and 'ghost' of his murdered friend warns him to kill himself because he'll kill others and all of his victims will be stuck wandering the Earth. It turns out that when it's an 'unnatural' kill, they can't rest in peace. We've got ourselves a decent plot!

     There's some typical dark British humor leaving you to believe that it's a comedy, but it sure as hell doesn't end that way. I really can't poke too many holes in this movie because it's just a fun watch and I'm glad I finally made the time to watch it. It seems I clam up when it's a decent movie.

Saturday: Crap....I'm stuck in the '80s...


  1. Wait wait've NEVER seen this movie before now? DUDE! How is that even POSSIBLE? I can't...

  2. I remember suggesting this movie for a lit class and then writing a paper on it. It really is brilliant. The sequels...not so much. It also features the most painful transformation ever.
