Friday, October 2, 2015

Gwaah!!!Fucking dolls! Burn them ALL!!!

Pinocchio's Revenge

     This little crap-fest was made almost 20 years ago by people that don't know what a horror movie is. Or looks like. The proof of this bold statement follows:

     We start out with a flashback of an officer stumbling upon a man burying a body of a young boy. After this man is arrested, crime scene people scour the area and dig up a wooden puppet (read: doll). Flash forward to current times and we see a public defender acting as attorney for the man that was caught burying the young child. This is starting to feel like Pet Cemetery, but much worse. And that's something I didn't think possible. Really, I shouldn't be this bored 15 minutes into the movie. Anyhoo, the man is convicted and executed (he wanted to be), and then that Goddamn puppet shows up out of nowhere and for some reason the PD takes it home. Really, I thought evidence wasn't to leave police possession, but this is a really just a USA Network made for TV movie in disguise, so plot realism isn't' even a second thought. It's somewhere down around “what socks should I wear today?”
     Once the puppet is brought home, the daughter latches on to it and treats it like a member of the family. And that's when the kinda creepy (but sure as hell NOT scary) things happen. Actually, it's just a bunch of shadow play, lighting flashes when there's clearly no storm anywhere near the house, and I'm just bored to tears. The first of only 2 deaths finally happens at the 1 hour, 9 minute mark. And that was just simply turning off a mans life support. I waited over an hour to see a soft death. Sooooo boooooring! More stuff happens, some nanny dies, and the climax ends with the doll chasing Mommy: Public Defender and Notary around the house with a knife. When mommy defeats the doll, she suddenly realizes it's actually her daughter. I guess. I don't really know because I stopped paying attention quite a while ago. Our fadeout is of MPD&N and daughter in a hospital/mental ward with the creepy dead, soulless eyes of the puppet doll super imposed over them while they argue with the doctor over the sanity of the youngin'.

     This is a 96 minute dry hump featuring one of the most awkward lovemaking scenes I've ever witnessed. And at the 40 minute mark, I saw pubic hair in a shower scene that served nobody. Nobody wanting to see T&A would have sat that long into the movie, so what the hell was the point? And the actors? There was only one, and that was the little daughter. Everyone else was an emotionless tool that over-acted to compensate. Really, you have to see it to believe it. But don't. Just. Don't.

Saturday: Bitches be all like that and stuff.....

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