Thursday, October 1, 2015

Another Year, Another 31


Lou Garou, alcoholic loser and cop, gets mixed up with some Devil worshiping shape-shifters and ends up a lycanthrope...but that actually makes him better at doing his job. No, seriously.

After he and the town Dwight pimp-out his patrol car, they take on some convenience store-robbers and gang members at Liquor Donuts and the local meth lab, respectively. Well, Garou takes them on. The other dude sits in the car and screams like a castrati.

After the law enforcing, they end up back at the sheriff's office where Garou scores some 'tang. Yeah, gross. The movie ends with the identities of the shape-shifters being revealed during some ritual. Honestly, the Drink 'N Shoot festival that they cancelled for this event might have been more interesting. They didn't even bother being consistent with the deaths and powers of the creatures and had the nerve to threaten a sequel.

Garou's first transformation starts with his new wolf schlong bursting out of his penis.
I felt myself wanting to sing "on the great space coaster" any time someone said his full name.
I saw a tag line that read "Dirty Harry...Only Hairier."

1 comment:

  1. Damn it...I forgot about this one! This was supposed to be on this year's list but it completely slipped my mind. I'll save it for next year!
