Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Lady of the Lake...and her Sister?

Merlin and the War of the Dragons

Trust me: it wasn't nearly this bad ass!

This was actually fairly decent and would have been enjoyed were it not for the spotty sound.

Merlin is one of two apprentices to a wizard, who saved him from certain death as an infant...or so it would seem. The other guy, whose name escapes me, wants all the spells out of some old book. He convinces Merlin to go along with a plan that backfires, revealing Merlin's secret parentage. After that allegiance goes south, Merlin finds himself helping a beleaguered king battle dragons (who also have a secret). There are also some creepy wet chicks - ladies of the lake, who manage to keep their clothes dry while the rest of them looks damp. Coincidentally this movie also starts on the "After the fall of Rome, blah blah blah...enter the dragons" note. I give up!

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