Sunday, March 1, 2015

Camp Midian

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Apprentice

This movie was just weird. There was just something seriously off about it. I don't know if it was how nonchalant they were about how it starts - every parents' nightmare: the death of a child - or the odd synchronicity of the events. There's just something offbeat about it. Also, it has the ugliest wolfman I've ever set eyes upon.

Anyway, Darren Shan is popular nerd (I'll give you time to process that)...who ends up semi-dead thanks to the psychotic aspirations of his asshole friend, Steve. Isn't there another more like this? It's kind of like Nightbreed-lite. Thanks to Steve, Darren also finds himself embroiled in a war between the Vampires and the Vampaneze (it sounds stupid every time I say it, too). Apparently, Vampires of uptight staunchy fellows who mostly abide by the rules, and Vampaneze and the wild, bloodthirsty killers that give them a bad name. Oh, and there's some obese guy named Mr. Tiny. He's a real weirdo.

This is basically an intro movie. It's not bad. I'd watch it again.

Madam Octa, whom I also found mesmerizingly beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this a couple of years ago, and I agree. It's a decent movie that I liked.
