Sunday, March 1, 2015

Never bring a Hobbit to an Orc fight....

Fantasy. It's an odd realm of the universe that we created when reality was just too much. Or not satisfying enough. It holds a strange conflict of our conscience where it can evoke unhealthy obsession while also influencing our future. And in regards to film, what other genera can make that claim?

Lord Of The Rings

…..the 1978 animated version, rather.....
If I had a 1978 Chevy Van.....

    First off, I don't see why all the purists piss themselves in anger over the mere presence of this film. And I'm not kidding! Several people I know that repeatedly read the series from start to finish get angry when I bring this film up. I've never seen it, I was told by them to stay away from it. But why?

“It doesn't follow the books like it should!”

Eh? So, nothing about the actual quality of the film? Just the storyline?

“Yes! It insults the original story.”

Oh...SOOO FUCKING WHAT!!! You like the movie Blade Runner?


Not even CLOSE to the book “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sleep” that it was based on. And furthermore, THE MOVIE WAS BETTER!!! Are you starting to understand 'relative perception'?

“It's a Ralph Bakshi POS!”

     It's pointless to carry on the argument from there on and they barely know his name. I learned long ago to never worry about comparing the book to the movie adaptation because they rarely ever match. Just give up on that pipe-dream, and then you can start enjoying films again.

     In typical Bakshi fashion, this film is heavily rotoscoped, which is a simple process where animation is traced over live action film. A lot of people hate it, but I like it. It's a visual representation of the last crazy days of outlaw science fiction, when names like Philip K. Dick and Thomas Dische were writing mind-blowingly trippy stories and there really were no boundaries. A quick look at slightly psychedelic background paintings help hammer this point home and frankly, it's why I like the feel of this film. It reminds me of Wizards and that was a sadly underrated movie.

     I don't feel like going into the story itself as it's well known and you probably have a grasp of it if you're here, reading this blog. IS 133 minutes of people walking...and walking...and walking. I should note that this was the first of what was to be a trilogy. Unfortunately, it tanked so hard in the box office that sequels were never mentioned again until New Zealand's version of David Lynch stepped in with a shit-load of money and cast Rudy, Radio Flyer, and Magneto for a live action trilogy. 
    And that's my last film for this month. Time constraints didn't allow me to contribute as much as I'd have liked, but I did get to see some films that I've put off....and other that I should have continued to avoid.

See you in October, chumps!

1 comment:

  1. Eh, we have a combined total of at least 28 I'm sure. That's good enough.

    I, too, that Blade Runner was better. I have 2 or 3 versions of the movie and I never get tired of seeing it. The thing that annoys me about the novella(?) is the reviews of it. If you know anything about writers you know that as human beings, what goes into it sometimes is not even perceived by you. I've seen people fight about how Dick said (in his last interview) that androids we evil because they were soulless. Okay, sure...but who were the androids?

    Anyhow I think I did see this. I remember the walking LOL. Thanks for doing this with me...and thanks to anyone who has been reading us.
