Sunday, February 15, 2015

Who keeps giving Uwe Boll money?

Name of the King 3: The Last Mission

Bored, creepy hitman joins sword-swing babes - one of which is running from her incestuous-minded uncle - in battle for, there's a dragon. Who knew broad sword use was a training criterion for professional killers?
This was about as exciting as the whole movie got.

Dominic Purcell looked bored throughout this entire film. That early scene where he helps himself to a cup of coffee after whacking some guy in a hotel room seemed both professionally improbable (or perhaps stupid is more like it) and entirely unnerving. Nothing else in the film is even on par with those few seconds. I agree that the directorial-like cessation order in the middle of battle was just incredible. I'm still shaking my head.


I only watched this one because I saw the second one


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