Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pack Painkillers on Your Next Portal Trip

In the Name of the King 2: Two World

I only watched this because it stared Dolph Lungren...who looked miserably uncomfortable, stuffed into that too small jacket. Grumbling, pill-popping and grabbing his backing, half the time it seemed like he was in a really inventive Aleve commercial.
Ugh, the bursitis in my shoulder...

 Then there were the awkward, boring sex scenes. I mean did they run out of money for nudity?

"Look, there are these pills...and I need 20 minutes..."
 It didn't seem into it anyway...

"Whew! Saved by the doctor,...hope she doesn't ask me to turn my head and cough."

I don't even know what they were trying to do with this. It was so inconsistent. Sometimes there was a voice over, sometimes Dolph would just be talking to himself. In the beginning he has some kind of spiritual guide. Then that disappeared, but he got help from some seers. Then they both died. Oh and there was a dragon, although it didn't really seem to have a munchies kind of interest in him.

I should just become a directer. Apparently, you don't need talent, just some schmuck with deep pockets.

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