Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

The Hunters

Well, this turned out to be a teen action-adventure movie about a secret sociiety of "hunters" who go after magical objects of legend and tale. Sound familiar? *cough*cough*Warehouse 13 rip-off*cough*cough* In this case they are after Snow White's mirror. I guess no one told them that it was actually the Evil Queen's mirror, but that was the least of this film's issues. There was an actual Pantene plug right smack in the middle of the film.So awkward.

I can't even tell you what happened in this. It attempted to blend fantasy with reality but was really horrible at it. For instance, a piece of the mirror was in the original Cinderella's (some Greek slave girl, according to the film) glass slipper that was on display in a Boston museum. Let's just say for the sake of argument that this could be at all possible. Don't you think a archeologist or curator or patron or someone would have noticed  a 2" x 4" reflective shard laying in the foot-bed of a frosted glass slipper - especially if this was some kind of traveling exhibit?


Victor Garber's career is just going straight downhill.

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