Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lions, Tigers, and Lamb Bears. Oh My!

Beowulf (1999)

You didn't think I'd get through a fantasy movie marathon without at least 1 Christopher Lambert offering, did you?!?

Very loosely based on the terribly over-rated poem, this film predates the 2007 CGI filmgasm by 8 years. It has a very sci-fi feel to it while retaining it's medieval roots. And honestly, I love that about this movie. It even has a Juno Reactor soundtrack!

A bleached blonde Lambert is Beowulf and he's hunting an evil entity named Grendel. After tracking it to a castle/natural gas refinery, he invites himself in and starts moping about the place spouting moody one-liners and doing that distant staring he's famous for. While he plays a total bad-ass fighter, you can clearly see he's showing his age via use of stunt doubles. I know for a fact that he can't back-flip while shooting crossbows. The man is almost 60! He'd break a hip!

While there are some slightly cheesy scenes, overall this is really a cool movie. It's not awesome, amazing, ground breaking, but I never got bored watching it. I have no choice but to recommended this film to any self respecting geek or nerd.

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