Saturday, February 28, 2015

Let Go My Dragon Eggo!

Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse

"A Brit, a Celt and a Druid all approach a wall..."

I love how every one of these middle ages movies starts with, "hundreds of years ago the Romans..." (or close enough) and then some kind of coup between the Picts, the Celts and the Britons. Well, at least it didn't suck. I didn't have time to order the other two (much better) films, so I watched this by itself. I'm not going to bother with  lengthy review because the films all follow a basic model: some knight or cleric finds and befriends dragon who either becomes bonded with him or some bad guy. This film actually combined those factors by cursing the dragon who bonds with a knight. Ta-da!

Sadly, I really don't have much to say about this one except that it was nice to see a dragon not be the bad guy. Drago was kind of cool looking, if a little too clean for a big lizard that just crashed landed. I'm looking forward to the launch of Dragons of Pern, which should also be some bad-ass (but in a good way) dragons.

A couple of annoying things:

What? Dragons are from space now? Yeah, let's totally not explain that one.
DON'T hire Drago to guard your children. He has no problem sacrificing them.
Druids have always been personified as a very masculine order. Why would one worship the moon, a traditionally feminine deity? Also, the guy's scarification was kind of bad-ass, but it also looked like really giant ringworm. I'm just saying...

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