Thursday, October 3, 2013

You've got something in your eye....

Strippers Vs. Werewolves

     Sometimes, accidents happen. And as an example, sometimes werewolf people get stabbed in the eye with antique fountain pens. It's just an unfortunate fact of life. And sometimes it's done by a stripper while you're getting a private dance and you die. Just one of those lemons that life throws at ya. And that's really the primary lesson here. Strippers and Werewolves do NOT get along.
Well, the boobs are just as fake as the Ticked off Trannies. So they have that much in common.
      OK, first of all, this movie starts with stock footage of a restaurant exploding while Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf plays in the background. Oh, we're off to a great start. After the said eye stabbing scene, the rest of the wolf pack seek vengeance and ruin a fair amount of lives. And they really like eating people. At one point, I saw a man-wolf putting a severed hand between two slices of bread. I should also mention that this IS a bit of a comedy, but nothing like the Scary Movie franchise. This was typical subtle British humor. Oh, did I not mention that as well? Yeah, it's British so everyone talks funny and pronounces 'aluminum' wrong.
Oh, I get it now. 'Hungry Like THE WOLF'. Heh.

     Anyhoo, there's some chase scenes, more murdering, and then it all wraps up back at the strip club and ends in a big bang. Literally. Sorry for the spoiler, but its just a damn werewolf stripper movie. There isn't anything in here you haven't seen before. Well, maybe the part where the owner of the strip-club corrected the punctuation of a message written in blood on a wall before washing it off. Otherwise, it's a typical affair. It didn't win any Oscars, BAFTAs, or even a Razzie. And while that may make it seem benign, I have to say this was actually a decent movie! Clearly, I was the only one that did because the film made a staggering $63 on it's opening ni...wait, I misread that. It made $63 IN ITS ENTIRE BOX OFFICE RUN! $63.00!!?!?!?!


Dick shooting! Third night in row where it's been shot or stabbed. Yay.

Cast Highlights:

Robert Englund!
Adele Silva!
Lysette Anthony!
Coralie Ro....oh who am I kidding, aside from Robert, I've never heard of these people...

Friday: The undead ride a very special bus....


  1. You had me at, "this movie starts with stock footage of a restaurant exploding while Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf plays in the background!"

    I simply can not go to my grave before i see this.

  2. On a side note, what's with all the stripper-themed horror flicks lately? I have a few in my queue, too.

  3. There's several and they may be the same production company. Vs. Zombies, Vs. Vampires, ect...If they're anything like this, I'm a happy man
