Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm sure the working title was "Officer Shortsighted"

The Crater Lake Monster

     What does a meteor, a prehistoric water monster, and a cop with bitchin' cop glasses have in common? Not a damn thing, but there they are, on my tv, fighting it out in the pacific northwest.
     First off, the sheriff has the wicked shades that most airline pilots would sell their mothers for. Yeah, he's hot. Boney, balding, and sporting a mullet.
     Next up is the monster. He/she looks like the bastard child of a seahorse and a seal complete with flippers. Oh, he's supposed to be prehistoric, but I'm not buying it. The best part about him/she/it? It was a lovely stop motion monster that was completely out of place.. This movie was made in 1977, and they're using f/x from a 1958 Sinbad movie. I'm going to spoil it for you, he/Madonna/it dies in the end. I won't bother with the rest of the detail, but know this: had this been made in 1958, in black and white, I'd prolly have loved it. As it is, it's a B-grade late '70s turd that didn't even pique my trash movie interest.

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