Monday, October 17, 2011

Clearly, I'm content with watching crap

Revenge Of the Living Dead Girls (1987)
     "Shocking Beyond Belief'' is the tag line, and oh god damn it, another French Piece of shit. I thought this would be a campy Troma-like movie, but no, this is just some Euro-trash excuse to show titties and blood on the same screen. Why, yes, there is indeed full frontal nudity on the lady-folk, but they're just a bunch of boney French tarts who don't even have the slightest idea how to act.
      And the story? In short, three dead girls come back from the dead via some sort of chemical spill. It's never really made clear what their motives are after that point. They go on a killing/nudity spree, and here's the part where I loose my mind: The living dead girls have the faces and hands of a zombie leper, but for some strange hormonal reason....their bodies are just as nubile as the day they were embalmed. Yeah, wrap your head around that nugget. Thankfully, the cinematic torture ends at 76 minutes. This may have been the theatrical equivalent of water boarding.

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