Tuesday, June 28, 2016

An Amusement Park full of Monsters? What Could Go Wrong?


I know we normally only review film (and TV) here but I got this book free in exchange for a review and it reads like an action-horror flick. Kind of reminded me of Jurassic Park meets Killer Klowns From Outer Space with a pinch of Underworld. It's only about 200 pages; I read in like three days. It opens with a beautifully descriptive piece reminiscent of “Of Mice and Men”, the serenity invoking melancholy because you know it probably won't end well. There are a host of characters but the main ones are Wyatt and his friends and stepfather:

Wyatt is decent kid who life has taken a dump on in the form of his parent's divorce and their subsequent meager living. He's in puppy love with a girl who's out of his league, and friends with the local geek squad, Melvin and Howard. Melvin probably ate lead paint as a kid and is socially inept. Later you find out he has some unique family damage. Howard is your classic pocket-protector nerd (complete with glasses) who could be getting some hot interracial action from a domineering cheerleader who has is bad for him. Of course, he hasn't a clue what to do with that.

Wyatt's stepfather, Carter, is an average Joe, just trying to do the right thing by his instant family. Unfortunately, he gets drafted to work security for the story's Big Bad, Dr. Vincent Conrad. Conrad's depiction reminded me of a slightly less wiling Vaudevillian Vincent Price in A Comedy of Terrors. Conrad is the force behind the titular Monsterland, a place originally conceived as a containment and research facility for zombie plague victims - excuse me - the "vitality challenged." Basically he decides, "why not exploit a few other disenfranchised populations if you can, right?" and werewolves and vampires are added to the mix.

An act of compassion earns Wyatt a magic ticket that becomes the catalyst for revolt, personal growth, and of course monster mayhem. The stuff hits the fan pretty quickly once everyone is at Monsterland…and it hits hard and fast.

Author Cash provides a believable back-story and attempts to humanize the “monsters” – especially the werewolves (my favorite), for which I am grateful. Whether monster or human, Cash's characters are mostly just trying to get by, hold on to what they have, or expand their resources. Once you’re invested in the characters, the plot unfolds like an action horror movie.

I would’ve liked some scenes to have been expanded more (like the lagoon scenario with the dignitaries), and I was expecting something more sinister from the villain. I felt like you were set up to get more out of some of the characters but were denied. Also, sometimes it was difficult to tell who was delivering the dialogue,.

All in all it was a very entertaining read and I’d recommend it. I'm actually going to reread it. I hope the author works on a sequel - or script. 4/5 stars.

In case you missed it the first time, disclaimer: I received this item either free or discounted in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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