Friday, October 7, 2011


A different spin on the vampire story involving a clockwork scarab, an alchemist, an antique dealer and his granddaughter...and Ron Perlman.  Not the least bit scary but pleasantly entertaining.  Oh and there's the immortality-obsessed dying guy.  Always have to have one of those.  I actually don't have a lot to say about this other than that I enjoyed it.  The granddaughter was kind of creepy, though.  She's like 8 but accepts her granddad turning into the walking dead like he only got a bad skin rash and had a bout with narcolepsy.

This film is subtitled so if you're anti-reading, you've been warned.

Directed by famed Hellboy director, Guillermo Del Toro.  It was in my queue forever just because of that.

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